Known Bugs (and why they happen)

- Player can still move around while talking to NPCs
This was more a design choice than a bug, as we didn't see any harm in being able to walk around while talking

- Animations don't sync up in multiplayer, and tend to be buggy
Currently, we did not implement any way to sync animations across the different players' screens, as it was ultimately unnecessary

- Player randomly is not brought back to the over world after a battle
We don't know why this one happens, but it seems to have something to do with spamming inputs, or entering another battle immediately after the previous one

- When a client initiates a multiplayer battle, the battle goes on forever
Not entirely sure about this one either, but we are working to fix this one

- In multiplayer, the enemy that was interacted with in the over world does not sync across all clients
The reason this one happens is because to launch a battle, an enemy must be selected (and it is unable to be null), so the clients all search for an enemy game object with the name of the enemy the server interacted with.  This causes problems because it looks for the first instance of an active game object which is not always the same one the server interacted with (because each enemy has the same name)

- After fighting in a multiplayer battle and entering another, the battle goes on forever
This is caused as a follow-up to the previous bug.  The exact error, is a null reference error, because the enemy that is supposed to be interacted with cannot be found on the clients' sides


Windows Build 30 MB
49 days ago

Get It's Dangerous to go Alone

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